The outsiders

Based of what I know the book’s setting is in the 1980s. They mostly be posted up on a corner listening to music. Its similar to my neighborhood cause most of my brothers ride around on bikes. posted up at taco bell getting free food.

My character name in this novel  is name pony boy and based off what I know so far pony boy parents died and they want  him to be tuff but he doesn’t wanna be tuff. Also he lives with his brothers but if he keeps getting in trouble he will get taken away from his brother.

Reasons for SRI.

Nick Anderson read all summer to help his SRI score. When the day came he did try his best he could to get perfect score points. After the results come he goes down several points. He is confused of such low score he got. He ask the teacher why his score is like this. This is the problem all over Blackhawk. The students don’t feel like the test scores are accurate. “Test anxiety might cause reading abilities to decline and performance to suffer,” according to the Mayo Clinic.


The reason for Sri is to see your reading level and skill .All grades take it. Does not tell when your done it could take all day it depends on the questions. You also take it online when your done it tells you your year goal the higher the better. they give out all kinds of words for you to know what they mean any student can have a high or low score you. If a student doesn’t know the word SRI has 3 skips that don’t count against you. After you are done you report your SRI score to the teacher. the SRI really helps to choose your books and see if you need help or not with reading .


The students think its pressuring them due to the focus teachers and schools put on these numbers. Teachers. Pay are coming from these grade scores that’s why it really pressuring to students. It makes the students feel like there behind and there not so good at reading. and not getting rewarded cause of your SRI score decrease. According to,” Teachers do not have any input into test makeup or insight into why students receive certain score.



Instead of taking SRI and ISTEP they should revise it so its only one test .right now they have students taking these test all year around and putting to much stress on students if they had test only for one year around . If you test at the end of the year it gives the students the hole year to get better. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, an exam that compares Idaho to other states, shows 32 percent of Idaho fourth-graders weren’t reading effectively in 2013. it shows little growth among fourth-graders in reading over the past couple of years. Teachers and student should work together to develop a test that really show what they know and can do.


According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, an exam that compares Idaho to other states, shows 32 percent of Idaho fourth-graders weren’t reading effectively in 2013. lts show little growth among fourth-graders in reading over the past couple of years.

I am a reader

The title of this book is called weird but true the reason why i like this book cause it tales you about  facts that you probably would not even know. in this book there was experiments that was never been done like putting an  antenna on a  spider to see how it navigates.

Reason for SRI

The reason for Sri is to see your reading level and skill .all grades take it. Does not tell when your done it could take all day it depends on the questions. You also take it online when your done it tells you your year goal the higher the better. they give out all kinds of words for you to know what they mean any student can have a high or low score you. If a student doesn’t know the word ,SRI has 3 skips that don’t count against you. After you are done u report your SRI score to the teacher. the SRI really helps to choose your books and see if you need help or not with reading .

Nick Anderson read all summer to help is SRI score. when the day came he did try his best he could to get perfect score points. after the results come he goes down several points .he is confused of such low score he got. He ask the teacher why his score like this. This the problems all over black  hawk has. the students don’t feel like the test scores are not accurate the